Artist Club
Life is deep
(by venoveva c. barcelo  2/3/2009)

There are times when life is deep and painful, you felt you were out of nowhere, in a bliss you saw an attractive tree and climbed on it and sat there for a whole season..feeling when I will ever dismount on a web of branches? where spiders are meeting, you see these creatures, who has no eyes to look for someone, in fact they have all the time to meet, whereas, humans everybody busy and not have time to call and say hello? Iīm having this painful headache that each day is precious for me to spend with my family..I wish there are friends who are not too busy to say hello to me, send a card, give me call, share your funny jokes, new things in life that we all can learn from.

Donīt forget to share your good thoughts, your sweet memories, your funny experienced, share what you love to do. This letter is my way of saying hello to friends who doesīnt have the time to write. Sharing your arts and writings is something Iīm looking forward to each day, itīs just as good as you dropped by to my house and we ate "buwalow" whole afternoon. Remember those nights when you were a child and played whole night "kaliskis da ka" under the shade of a full moon and you never worries if anyone was looking out there for you? There is always a myth of the full moon, in Chinese saying, sorry! I donīt speak chinese. With all childhood went through that night, and we fall back to sleep and never even think of what time is it?

I can only imagine my town is under the water, where I grew up, the laughters stays in my heart.Where are all the children I played with those nights? They are still in my heart, I saw them in my dreams, I continue to laugh, I feel their presence, one day, I love to meet them. Just to sit and laugh and be thankful to our God what fate brought us, some have 6 kids, some none, so what, we made it here where we are, itīs not what we have, itīs what we went through.
Think about it.

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Samahang Makasining (Artist Club), Inc.
Artist Club of the Philippines

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